04-398-9873          info@ecoshade.ae    Dubai, UAE




Our Pergolas

Wall Mounted

A smart solution where the pergola is secured or attached directly to a wall or an existing structure of the building. This configuration means that the structure does not need self-supporting pillars for the side anchored to the wall, limiting the overall dimensions to a minimum.

Free Standing

Have at least four posts and stand without being attached to any other structure or wall. The advantage of freestanding pergolas is there are no limitations on total size, height, or orientation.

Custom Design Pergolas

Highly customizable pergolas that create stunning appearance and exceptional variety. EcoShade can recommend addition of side louvers for privacy, posts, and some laser-cut aluminium sheets for our clients’ needs.

Contact us now if you are looking for a high quality automated pergola for your garden, terrace or courtyard.

Why Choose Ecoshade?

  • An Ecoshade Pergola lasts 4 TIMES longer than a wooden pergola because:
  • Ecoshade Pergolas are STRONG
  • Ecoshade Pergolas are LIGHTWEIGHT
  • Ecoshade Pergolas will NEVER RUST
  • Ecoshade Pergolas will NEVER NEED REPAINTING

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